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Four Ways a Clean Workplace Makes Employees Happy and Healthy

Without workers, production of any type is stunted. Without consumers, there is no revenue to pay workers. The hiring manager works hard to hire and retain quality employees. HR and management work to keep employees engaged and productive. Upper management continues to look for ways to increase their bottom line. As so it goes, this industrial process of workers, revenue, and consumers.

Employees then, are the backbone of commerce, and keeping them happy and healthy should be the goal of all employers. One simple, proven way to do this, is by creating and maintaining a clean and safe work environment, especially since the workplace is where most Americans spend the majority of their waking hours – about 1/3 of their lives! Here are 4 ways to use a cleaning company to create a happy, healthy team.

Boost Morale

Staff who work in a clean office feel that they are cared for more than those who report to a dirty or unsafe workspace. Overflowing trash, unsanitary bathrooms, and even disorganization of supplies gives the impression that staff (and customers) aren’t important enough to have a clean workspace.

Boost morale by showing staff your commitment to their health and safety.

Create Pride

When the standard is set for a high level of cleanliness, staff tend to follow suit and show pride for their work location. They may not begin cleaning the bathrooms, but they are more likely to pick up a random piece of trash on the floor or return office supplies to the appropriate location.

Creating a culture of cleanliness needs to start from the top, and is reinforced through the use of a professional cleaning company.

Reduce Sick Time Absences

Forbes magazine reports nearly 600 billion dollars is lost annually in sick-time and the resulting loss of productivity. Office buildings, because of their high, regular concentration of foot traffic, harbor countless bacterial microbes, both in the air and on surfaces. Proper cleaning, including avoiding cross contamination, can reduce the spread of disease and sick-time absences. But that’s not all – a 2015 Harvard Study revealed that improving air quality had a positive impact on employee productivity as well.

Focus on Talents

Some companies use their own employees to perform cleaning tasks, but this is discouraged. Without the proper equipment, training, or cleaning supplies, employees could create a dangerous situation for themselves or others. Companies should instead choose to use professional cleaning staff, whether in-house or outsourced for the most effective clean.

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